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#FOAMed Review 44th Edition

Michael Macias

By Michael Macias 

By Michael Macias 

Welcome to the forty-fourth edition of the #FOAMed Review! The idea of the FOAMed review is to give you a digestible selection of reliable content from the online EM/CC world that you can fit into your busy weekly schedule. Each review will include highlights from the highest yield blog, podcast, video and web sources around. Over a year's span we will be sure to include topics from all core EM content areas...even the ones that may not be the coolest. Check out our indexing section #FOAMED REVIEW which allows you to view previous weekly reviews by edition or by selecting from CORD curriculum categories.

Onto the FOAMed

AIRWAY DECISIONS & ONLINE ETIQUETTE [PODCAST]: Last week EM Crit posted a real case regarding a life saving cricothyrotomy on a post arrest patient which received quite a bit of online buzz, some of which was not so nice. This week he delves further into the airway decisions made in this case and also points out that FOAM is really about the discussion and not about playing the shame game. Listen here @ EM Crit.

VIRTUAL TRANSTHORACIC ECHO [SIMULATION]: One of the best interactive virtual TTE simulators out there, this free website will help you hone your cardiac anatomy and technique. You can view the TTE recordings for each of the 20 standard views used in a full cardiology exam and see the corresponding 3D model of the probe, ultrasound plane, heart and rib cage for that view.

TOP 10 TRAUMA PAPERS OF 2014-2015 [PODCAST]: It's been a huge year in trauma literature with big changes and a large volume of dogma smashing evidence. Listen to a great review of the top 10 trauma papers in 2014-2015 @ St. Emlyns Blog

SMALL JOINT ARTHROCENTESIS [VIDEO]: From our very own Dr. John Sarwark for your viewing pleasure. 

More FOAMed


HYPERKALEMIA MANAGEMENT- PREVENTING HYPOGLYCEMIA FROM INSULIN: [BLOG]: Normoglycemic patients need more than a single amp of D50 to prevent hypoglycemia after insulin therapy for hyperkalemia. Read on here @ ALiEM.


PEDIATRIC SYNCOPE [PODCAST]: An in depth look into pediatric syncope, delving into etiologies of sudden cardiac death in children and who should get further work up. Listen to the two part podcast featuring Dr. Andy Sloas & pediatric cardiology expert Dr. Buck Kyle @ PEM ED.      

Part 1       Part 2


HANDS ON DEFIBRILLATION [BLOG]: Minimizing time off the chest during CPR? Put some gloves on and keep on pressing through defibrillation. Don't believe me? Read on regarding some recent evidence on this subject here @ Rebel EM


JUST ANOTHER INTOXICATED HEAD INJURY [BLOG]: A great case highlighting the importance of monitoring your agitated and/or intoxicated patients that require chemical sedation. Read on here @ LITFL. 

See you next week