VExUS/POCUS/Resus Mini-Fellowships 2024

In the last couple of years VExUS has seemingly sparked a number of clinicians to focus on right-sided or venous congestion and its deleterious consequences. Many of us feel there is sufficient associative evidence and physiological basis to use VExUS to manage patients on a daily basis and do so routinely. Currently, several studies we know of (and probably many we don’t!) are on track to show that a VExUS-based approach is likely to be superior to a highly variable traditional approach. In teaching it at the bedside, however, we emphasize the fact that this tool should not be used in a brain-bypass, monosynaptic fashion – all elevated VExUS scores should NOT blindly be diuresed… These ways on how to integrate VExUS in clinical decision-making is what we will emphasize in this part of the Mini-Fellowship.

So due to demand, we have added this specific skill to our Mini-Fellowships which have been going strong for over a decade. The idea (just like in resuscitation!) is to tailor these days to what you need the most. Whether you want to focus on advanced POCUS, looking at coupling parameters and TDI or whether you want to learn to integrate these findings into a resuscitation approach, we will do our best to fill the gaps you may have.

We’ve been organizing mini-fellowships now for over a decade (obviously slowed by the whole pandemic business), because while learning the technical aspect of scanning is one thing, the translation into clinical application and decision-making is altogether another step that, for many, is achieved more readily by witnessing live clinical management.

This year, for the first time, we are adding a specific VExUS element. Participants will be able to pre-emptively watch the online VExUS Course, and then follow a senior instructor for 2-5 days of clinical practice (avg 4-6h/day) where they will be able to observe live scanning and management of real patients both in outpatient, inpatient, ED and ICU settings.

Tuition – Montreal Mini-Fellowships: 600$ CAN / 500$ USD per day for 1 physician, 400$ CAN / 350$ USD per person per day for additional days, and 400$ CAN / 350$ USD per person per day for a 2 to maximum 3 physician group. For physicians who are not from high income countries, do let us know, we will try to help get some industry sponsorship to make it possible.

CME : For Canadians, from the Royal College of Physicians standpoint, the Mini-Fellowships qualify for 25 Section 2 credits (regardless of the length) and 3 hours of Section 3 credits (per day of fellowship). For you Americans:

Through an agreement between the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert Royal College MOC credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. 

Please see the prior posts for participant feedback (, and if interested, please email and we will put you in touch with one of the senior instructors whose time matches your availability.


The H&R Team

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