Classic heat stroke

This case comes from Aneesha Thouli and Dr. Brad Stebner.

Aneesha Thouli is a 4th-year medical student from the University of British Columbia. Dr Brad Stebner is a staff Emergency physician in Kelowna, BC, Clinical Instructor at UBC and one of our editors at EM Sim Cases.


Classic heat stroke is a potentially deadly diagnosis that effects some of the most vulnerable of our populations. Co-morbid illnesses and medications can be risk factors and can also mask the usual responses to hyperthermia such as tachycardia. There are some key differences between exertional and classic heat stroke management and this case gives the opportunity to practice and discuss these skills.


83 y/o F who lives independently in an apartment is brought in by EHS after being found down by healthcare aid who checks on her once a day. She noted the patient to be very warm to touch and confused. 


83-year-old female brought in by ambulance found to be altered, febrile. The case will progress to the diagnosis and treatment of heatstroke/ heat related illness. Learners will be asked to manage a patient with heatstroke and review cooling techniques.  

From Life in the Fast Lane, ECG Library

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