Remove Hyperthermia / Hypothermia Remove Resuscitation Remove Seizures Remove Sepsis
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Grand Rounds Recap 8.9.23

Taming the SRU

bicarb <18mEq/L) ketosis (preferably serum beta-hydroxybutyrate >3mmol/L) Risk factors SGLT2 inhibitor use fasting state ketogenic diet intra-abdominal pathology (AGE, pancreatitis, etc.) to 1 mcg/kg/hour procedural sedation loading dose: 0.5-1 1 mcg/kg over 10 minutes followed by continuous infusion: 0.2

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Grand Rounds Recap 4.5.23

Taming the SRU

Vaishnav Hyperthermia: abnormally high body temperature due to thermoregulatory failure Severe hyperthermia: temp greater than 40.5C stent, percutaneous nephrostomy) by urology or IR Hypokalemia evaluate for EKG changes assess for underlying cause and factors that may influence ability to replete (i.e.

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Grand Rounds Recap 5.3.23

Taming the SRU

then need further evaluation Usually with CTA imaging If normal physical exam & ABI>0.9, then need further evaluation Usually with CTA imaging If normal physical exam & ABI>0.9, HAJDU Mild TBI’s & Concussions in the Emergency Department TBI’s are relatively common >3 million TBI’s in the US annually 2.5